Microcement in Radiant Floor
Microcement Radiant Floor Microcement Application on Radiant Floor MICROCEMENT RADIANT FLOOR – When winter arrives is when you consider changing the heating of your house.
MICROCEMENT FLOORING – Although in other countries it is more divided, in Spain in recent years the most used flooring has been porcelain. Its high strength and durability have made it the choice of most people. The other most common option lately is the use of laminate flooring. The main reason is its low cost. Slightly more expensive options are marble or parquet, although they are increasingly in disuse.
But for about 10 years, microcement flooring has been gaining many followers. The reasons are many, which we will see shortly, but at the same time it still receives many criticisms. These criticisms basically translate into staining and easy damage. This can happen for two reasons, a low quality material or low application. Our ready-to-use ONEROCK is a widely tested material that, properly applied, will remain in perfect condition for many years. When installing microcement, you must have experienced professionals to guarantee a perfect job.
Possibly the advantage most appreciated by clients is that microcement is a continuous floor. As it does not suffer expansion and contraction caused by temperature, it does not need expansion joints.
ONEROCK can be applied continuously, since it allows to work a surface in a simple way as it allows rework, much better than traditional microcement.
The fact that the flooring is continuous gives a greater sense of spaciousness and facilitates cleaning of the surface.
Another of its great advantages in the minimum thickness. Only 3 mm are necessary to be able to completely change any type of floor, as long as it is already prepared for the application. This avoids having to brush the doors or reducing the height of the room.
The high resistance to scratching or impact is another of the points in favor of ONEROCK microcement. Formed by aggregates and high-strength resins, it has mechanical properties that make it an ideal option for both homes and commercial premises.
At Lunik we recommend having good professionals for the application of microcement. Visit us on our Lunik website for more information.
Microcement Radiant Floor Microcement Application on Radiant Floor MICROCEMENT RADIANT FLOOR – When winter arrives is when you consider changing the heating of your house.
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