Microcement in Radiant Floor
Microcement Radiant Floor Microcement Application on Radiant Floor MICROCEMENT RADIANT FLOOR – When winter arrives is when you consider changing the heating of your house.
MICROCEMENT LIGHTING – In this post we are going to discuss one of the points that can turn a perfect microcement application into a failure. We are referring to lighting, whether natural or artificial. But why is it so important? We analyze it.
In the first place, it is very common that the application of microcement is carried out on tiles. In this case, the lighting of the room will be prepared for the level of light reflection on these surfaces. What usually happens is that when applying microcement, and it has a lower reflection than a tile, it gives a darker feeling. Based on experience, one could speak of two or three shades darker in the same lighting, between a tile and a surface with microcement as low light.
The first solution that comes to mind is to try to choose colors that are lighter than what was originally intended. Possibly in this way the desired effect is achieved without the need for any other investment.
Although it is a risky way when it comes to combining colors. And given how beautiful a room with dark colors is also, the options when decorating are reduced.
The solution we are betting on at Lunik is to adapt the lighting to the new material. To adapt it, you first have to decide the type of light, you have to choose between cold or warm. Each shade of microcement combines better with a type of light, so it is best to adapt it to the chosen color.
Subsequently, the ideal is to increase the light power in the room so that the microcement can bring out the naturalness it carries. A room with microcement and well lit, whether artificially or naturally, will create that feeling of spaciousness and cleanliness that only microcement can give.
Visit our Lunik website for more information and more tips for applying microcement.
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