Microcement in Radiant Floor
Microcement Radiant Floor Microcement Application on Radiant Floor MICROCEMENT RADIANT FLOOR – When winter arrives is when you consider changing the heating of your house.
OUTDOOR MICROCEMENT – More and more architects and designers are choosing microcement as a coating for walls and floors due to its ability to provide a natural and contemporary look. While its benefits for interior renovations are well-known—such as impermeability, minimal thickness, and excellent adhesion without removing tiles—its application outdoors is equally remarkable.
Here, we explore the main uses and benefits of microcement for outdoor spaces.
Microcement can be applied to various outdoor surfaces, offering both functionality and aesthetics. Its most common uses include:
Outdoor coatings must meet specific requirements that go beyond interior applications. The key properties of microcement include:
These features make microcement a reliable and long-lasting choice for any outdoor project.
Beyond its technical properties, microcement offers several benefits compared to traditional coatings:
At Lunik, our microcements have been rigorously tested to ensure optimal performance outdoors. Thanks to our R&D department, we have developed products that excel in quality, ease of application, and long-term reliability.
If you’re looking to transform your outdoor spaces with a durable, aesthetic, and functional coating, Lunik’s microcement is the ideal solution.
Learn more about our products and projects by visiting our website.
Microcement Radiant Floor Microcement Application on Radiant Floor MICROCEMENT RADIANT FLOOR – When winter arrives is when you consider changing the heating of your house.
Easy Microcement The Lunik Ready-to-Use Microcement for Non-Specialists EASY MICROCEMENT – One of the first issues when talking about microcement is its difficulty. Traditionally, the
Polyurethane Varnish in Microcement The Importance of Polyurethane Varnish in the Application of Microcement POLYURETHANE VARNISH MICROCEMENT – Applying microcement is a technical process that